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Human Design

Intro to Astro-Energetics

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Human Design is the architecture of your energetics. It's like a schematic or blueprint of your energy body.

It combines elements of the Chinese I Ching, Astrology, Kabbalah, and Chakras to form a unique BodyGraph, which serves as a visual representation of how energy moves through you.

The Quantum BodyGraph is your personal Human Design chart, calculated using your birth data. It's divided into two parts: the black Personality side, representing your conscious self, and the red Body Design side, representing your unconscious self.

Conscious Soul Personality (Black)

This part of the chart is derived from your birth time and represents the conscious aspects of your soul in this incarnation. It's what you recognize and identify with – your conscious mind, thoughts, and identity.

Unconscious Body Design (Red)

The Body Design portion is calculated from a point approximately 88 days before your birth, representing the unconscious, genetic side of you, your Form. Your Earth vehicle has its own intelligence and consciousness. It's the body's wisdom, the traits you might not be consciously aware of but play a significant role in who you are and how you're designed to live within this incarnation. This part of the chart reflects the hereditary and ancestral karmic aspects you carry with your body.

What are Neutrinos?!

Neutrinos are tiny, pervasive particles that flow through the universe, carrying energetic information from the celestial bodies they pass through. In Human Design, they interact with the Gates of the BodyGraph, imprinting us with cosmic data at birth and during the Body Design phase in the womb. This process activates and defines our unique energetic architecture, deeply linking us to the universe's vast energies.

The 9 Centered Being & the Mind's New Role

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The Human Design BodyGraph reveals that we are now 9 Center Beings, rather than the older but most well known form of having just 7 main chakras.

The Human Form actually made a quantum leap in 1781, when Uranus was first discovered.

This discovery signified a major consciousness shift that resulted in an equal upgrade in the human form’s energetics, giving rise to our two newest centers: the G Center and the Solar Plexus.

Prior to this evolutionary shift, the G Center’s qualities of identity and life direction were associated with the Heart Chakra. By separating out into an individuated center, humanity was given a greater focus on individual identity and personal direction.

Likewise, before the shift, the yellow ray chakra we

know as the Solar Plexus was actually associated with the Spleen and its instinctual awareness. Emotional processing and intuition were also connected to the Spleen.

And as the new Solar Plexus center emerged, this gave humanity a far more nuanced and complex emotional consciousness, allowing for the Spleen to focus its energy on survival instincts and deepening intuition.

Post-1781, there was also a significant shift in the role of the mind.

Previously the central decision-making authority for humanity, the mind's function evolved to an observational role, stepping back from strategizing and directing our choices. Each of the 9 centers stepped up to play a more crucial role in guiding our decisions as individuated beings, united with but distinct from one another.

Aura Types

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The concept of Aura Types is central to understanding how we interact with one another and the world around us.

Each Aura Type – Generators, Generators with Manifesting Potential (often called Manifesting Generators), Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors – possesses a unique energetic aura that shapes their experiences, interactions, and roles in life.

These Aura Types are not just categories but are reflective of the distinct energetic fields we emanate from within our physical bodies.


Generators are the life force of creation energy on our planet. Their open and enveloping aura magnetizes options towards them for them to respond to with enthusiasm.


The initiators in life, Manifestors carry an impactful, closed off, and repelling aura. They are designed to initiate new action and blaze new trails.


Manifesting Generators combine the consistent life force energy of Generators with the initiating potential of Manifestors.


With their focused, penetrating, and absorbing aura, Projectors are naturally attuned to guide and direct the energy usage of other types.


Rare and reflective, Reflectors are like energetic barometers. Their sampling aura mirrors the environment and the people around them.

Initiation Playbook & Reading Session

Deep dive into your Human Design

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